Happy Valentine’s Day, my Lovelies!
As a chronic pain blogger, I have no idea what I’m doing. All of this, the blogging world, is new territory for me. I want to be good at it, and seeing how I’m an all in kinda girl, I wanted to see immediate results without actually having done any advance research on what makes a blog successful.
I had an itch to write, and I thought I had something worth saying about chronic pain and my wellness journey. So, I jumped in, clueless about what I was getting into.
In less than a week, I built a new website and posted my first blog.
Job well done. Pats on the back, self high-five, and all that.
Now what? Post two. Post three. Post four.
*Looks at stats. Has two subscribers, myself and one other. (Shout out to subscriber number two – thanks, Gabby B!)
Man! Creating a blog is hard work. Add in some chronic pain challenges and cognitive difficulties, and growing a blog becomes even harder freaking work.
CONFESSION – before I hit the publish button on my first post on January 1st, 2020, I set a target of one hundred subscribers by March 1st. Two months seemed like a reasonable amount of time considering I have 700+ Instagram followers, 1700+ Twitter followers, 101 Facebook friends, and 30 Pinterest followers.
Therefore, one hundred blog subscribers in two months – should be a piece of cake, right?
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. On so many levels – wrong!
Let’s just say…I’m not going to reach my goal.
My current number?
Twenty-five subscribers in six weeks.
Who knows? Twenty-five subscribers could be a reasonable growth rate. Maybe I’ll Google it? And for the record, I’m still one of those subscribers. So, if you’re in to win one of the Fuck Chronic Pain Sharing is Caring prize packages, your odds are pretty damn good!
But, yeah, zero to sixty with my hair on fire. That’s me.
Unrealistic expectations. Meet reality.
Yep, I’ve got some decent numbers in terms of social media followers, but what I’ve come to realize is having followers is not the same thing as having active engagers. Hearts and likes don’t amount to much in terms of personal value or connection.
And what I want…what I really REALLY want…is to connect. To share stories, hardships, successes, and experiences. Herein lies the true value of starting a chronic pain blog – finding your people.
YOU. Yes, all of YOU are my people. My fellow spoonies and pain sufferers (or not). You – who like to comment and share. You – who want to read and quietly observe. You – who see me in person and let me know you’re reading, you’re laughing, and you’re connecting with my words.
That’s my reward, my reason to keep going, to keep writing, and to keep sharing.
Plus, you guys are helping me along my wellness journey more than you know.
Katrina, through her comment on the Reverse Stereotypes and Cautious Optimism post, reminded me the rheumatologist talked with me about diet to reduce chronic pain. I needed the reminder, and it came from someone I haven’t met, but who is, never-the-less, still part of the sharing is caring tribe.
Alice, Sharron, Lyse, Suzi – so many of you have shared your chronic pain experiences. As members of the tribe, you’ve helped me realize, I’m not alone in my chronic pain woes or my use of the F-bomb as a coping mechanism.
Thanks to this blog, I’m reconnecting with family and friends – in a deeper, more meaningful way, and bonus, I’m reaping the benefits of meeting new people.
I’m learning things, both about myself and the autoimmune diseases I have.
With your help, I’ve rekindled my passion for writing, and I’m learning new technological tricks, like how to build a website.
I’m also learning what I don’t like about the blogging world, such as non-stop ads and pop-ups trying to sell me shit I don’t need. And blogs that promise to deliver you from your pain. Seriously, I won’t do that to you guys.
Regardless of whether or not twenty-five subscribers is a big gain or small, I’m calling connecting with all of you a huge win.
So, to my twenty-four subscribers – thank you!
To those of you non-subscribers reading this – thank you!
To those of you who share on the blog, on Facebook and Pinterest, on Twitter and Instagram – thank you!
As a member of the sharing is caring Club, you get a say in what goes up on the blog. I have a three-page list of topics I want to write about, but I’m interested in hearing about what you’d like to read.
Want a post about gardening with chronic pain? Let me know. Want some tips on starting a keto diet to reduce inflamation? Drop the suggestion. Don’t like something you read or want to offer some advice for ways to improve my website? Please email me via the contact page.
I’m open to positive suggestions and constructive criticism. I’m not down for any negativity or unnecessary drama, and I’m guessing, since you’re here, you aren’t either!
For now, wishing you all a low pain week, and if you feel up to it, leave a comment and tell us how you’re doing. As for me, winter is playing havoc on my joints, which makes me think next week’s post might have something to do with surviving the cold months when you’re living with chronic pain.
Until the next blog – peace out pain sufferers.
Current pain level 7/10.
Happy Valentine’s Day💕
Would love to hear how Keto assists… and of course, hear about favourite recipes
You got it, Jeanette. Thanks for the input!
Have an awesome, rose filled day!
Love your blog don’t stop please! This has been a very bad week for me pain wise BUT I did sew a cover up so that helped with my pain! I can’t sit and read or just do nothing when the pain is high so cleaning, cooking and now that I have found sewing again they are my go forget the pain! No it doesn’t take the pain away at all but with my mind busy it sure helps. I find I have to really think about what I am doing and even then my brain doesn’t always let me understand what I am trying to do! I know why I loved going to work everyday my mind was busy ! Sure hope your followers find their go to place !
Thanks, Sharron!
I think we all need a happy place! Mine is in my nest chair with a good book for distraction. But yeah, sometimes sitting quietly is the worst! Glad that sewing is bringing you joy and some respite from the worst of the pain.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Love the blog and love supporting a friend who’s doing her thing!! Slow and steady wins the race. Keep on keeping on!
Aye! Will do. Unless yoga kills me.
My ribs still hurt.
I love this little community you are building! I have to say, I didn’t actually expect your blog to resonate with me so much. I follow you on Instagram, I think through a writing follow loop thingy, and rather casually decided to see what it was all about. But your posts have been very inspiring and comforting to me.
I follow keto too so I would be interested in seeing more about that. And I garden and I am trying to write a book… so any of those would be interesting too!
So another side note. I have bounced on and off keto for awhile but stayed pretty consistent over the past month. I found that once I was following keto I had less inflammatory pain (swollen, painful muscles in my neck and back) but I seem to have uncovered a deeper pain. I have a chiropractor appointment scheduled for next week, but I just feel kind of fragile now. It’s almost like my swollen muscles were protecting me. I am interested to see what my chiropractor says… she’s a good friend of ours and does sports medicine as well so she will do some muscle work and adjustment.
Thank you again for talking about your journey and giving others a place to share as well.
Thanks Katrina,
Your comments and encouragement mean so much to me. Will definitely be doing a blog about Keto and gardening. And for sure, writing is on my list!
Sorry to hear about your struggles. I can certainly relate and have used a chiropractor in the past. I found it helped with my back pain, but I needed to add massage to keep my muscles from pulling my bones back out of alignment again.
It’s all a try and see what works world when dealing with chronic pain. Hope you find some relief soonest!
Let us know how your appointment goes.
Happy Valentine’s Day.
Am not usually a ‘ close knit group ” follower but I have to admit Dear Cousin that you have won me over with your humour and your honesty. And I am grateful to be able to ‘feel’, finally, that I am not alone. So thank you for that.
I thought I was following your blog but not being tech savvy I will have to go back to the drawing board and figure out where I took a left turn…I hate left turns lol
Happy Valentine’s Day to you too
Happy Valentine’s Day sweetheart! I have no specific request, I simply want to encourage you to keep blogging. I am thoroughly enjoying your sense of humor but also hope you get some relief from your pain somewhere! Ciao for now Edith.
Thanks, Sue!
Pain levels are up and down, this week. I blame the weather…and yoga.
So happy, you’re part of the tribe!
Have the most glorious of days.
You are in to win, Alice. I can see your subscription on my list. No left turns for you!
Thanks so much for the words of encouragement. Like I said, they keep me going!
Hope you’re having a low pain day!
Good on you Edith. Look at it this way… you are reaching 24 people with your writing and your humour. To be honest I look forward to your new blog posts.
I just wanted to leave a comment about food in relation to pain.
I tried gluten free and probably made it a year, the pain improved. Something happened in my life and I started to eat gluten again. Not a lot but enough to increase the pain again. Seriously it could have gone either way, me eating or me not eating when I am under stress. (I must start eating healthier, that requires energy I don’t have at the moment)
Then, I keep telling myself with everything I put into my mouth that as my disease progresses the extra pounds will come off anyway… Bahaha…. a little black humour to get me through that diagnosis….
Last summer I was in the worst pain I have ever experienced to date. Doc said, “ welllll you probably have fibro… and I could give you a prescription for pain but I won’t. “ keep your pain meds…. don’t need them quite yet…. me being stubborn perhaps…. it’s a family trait. : )
Some times “keep on keeping on” is all you can do.
Sometimes curling up with a good book and your favourite blanket in your favourite chair is the best you can do and that’s ok
Happy Valentine’s Day
Thanks for sharing, Lyse.
Diet definitely plays a key role in chronic pain and inflammation and is, for me, one of the hardest pieces of the wellness puzzle to fit into the big picture.
Knowing what you should and shouldn’t be eating is one thing. Following those guidelines is another!
Wishing you a low pain day.
Happy Valentine’s Day to you!
Hi Edith
I have joined your blog and enjoyed your messages. Never realized you were in such chronic pain. I too suffer from sciatic pain to a point that my chiro is now suggesting cortisone shot in my back. I had that done many years ago, so I have had trouble with my back for many years.
We should start a chronic pain club.
I am enjoying your blog and your sense of humour. You are such a strong person as I never realized you were in such pain. It never showed. Always so pleasant and fun loving.
Will keep reading your blog for updates. Keep up the good fight.
Thanks for joining the Sharing is Caring Tribe, Madeleine! Chronic back pain and/or sciatic pain can be so debilitating, we try hard not to let it slow us down or keep us from doing the things we love, but sometimes doing just that is exactly what our bodies need! I’ve never had a cortisone shot but my doctor recently raised it as a treatment option. Would love to talk to you about it the next time we share a glass of wine!