Solo Travel and Mental Health – Hint – Avoid Traffic Jams If You Can

I like to travel alone – or maybe – it’s best to say traveling by myself doesn’t bother me.

Jumping in the car solo and driving for twenty-two and a half hours, sure no problem. I’ve got my thoughts for company. I talk out loud using funny accents. Give a blow-by-blow commentary of the life blurring by outside my window. I listen to music. Sing at the top of my lungs. Make plans – for tomorrow, next week, next month, a year from now.

A solo drive of any length is an excellent opportunity for personal reflection. For figuring out what you need from life. What you want from life.

Yes, Dean Winchester as a travel companion is a NEED.

It will also test you.

A sore ass by the time you reach Syracuse, New York. ✔

Dense fog through Pennsylvania. ✔

A navigation system that refuses to take you around the gridlock from Baltimore to Washington. ✔

Waking up to a flat tire in Fayetteville (left rear) and putting air in it yourself (my first time) while your back is spasming. ✔

Blowing a tire belt (right front) at the Woodbine exit in Georgia. ✔

Meeting the owner of 3 Guys Mobile Tire Service in rural America. (He was great by the way.) ✔

Driving on a spare tire to Jacksonville, Florida. ✔

Sitting in a sketchy Burger King reading a book on retirement while getting four new tires installed. ✔

For me, it’s all part of the adventure.

Until I hit the construction traffic less than fifteen miles from my resort, and it took an extra hour to get here. Then it was back to nails as weapons time. ✖

All this to say, with Roy’s remote help on the new tire situation, I made it to Kissimmee in one piece.

And I’m thrilled to be here. Or rather, I’m thrilled not to be there, at home, alone, in the cold. (Roy is currently in Africa for contract work.)

Heck, sunshine, warm temperatures, and flip-flops – what’s not to love – right?

Yep. I’m in my happy place.

Am I pain-free? Nope.

Reality check, I never will be.

Am I pain manageable? Yes. Thank you. Yes, I am.

It’s day two in Florida, and already my knees hurt less. My back hurts less. The brain fog is, for the most part, gone, and I expect continual improvement over the next few days.


Lot’s of reasons. The warmer temperatures, the stress-free environment, the extra walking, the grocery store sushi for lunch, the reading by the pool with a vodka soda, the writing of this blog on the patio with a glass of wine, the plan to go to bed early and get up early to do it all again.

If you’re thinking, sounds mental, I’d have to say I agree.

But I’m adding the word health to the mix.

It’s a mental HEALTH thing.

For me, body wellness goes hand-in-hand with mental health. I can’t achieve one without the other, and when I’m spiraling the chronic pain drain, my mental health is never far behind.

I needed a way out. Florida presented itself, and I took it. There’s still some residual guilt about leaving work at a critical time (COVID-19). Add in some guilt about leaving family behind (mostly just Mum). Plus a bit of guilt for spending money on a trip for just (GASP) myself. And sure, the doubt creeps in.

But for now, I’m where I need to be both mentally and physically, and that’s all I can ever really hope for. So, I’m going to enjoy the next two weeks. I’m going to read and write. Sit in the sun, talk to strangers, and shop at Target. When Jodie gets here, I’m going to do more of the same, except with more beer.

So, tell me Sharing is Caring Tribe, what do you do when you reach your emotional, physical, mental health limits? How do you escape? Do you grab a book? Binge a new Netflix series? Drink a couple of glasses of wine? Tell me what your go-to strategies are for coping with long bouts of weather-related pain, cause lord knows there will still be snow on the ground when I get back!

Wishing everyone a Happy Leap Year Day!

Oooo, and don’t forget the sharing is caring draw is happening soon! Stay tuned if you’re in it to win!

Until the next blog, peace out pain sufferers.

Current pain level 5/10.

Sharing is Caring!

13 thoughts on “Solo Travel and Mental Health – Hint – Avoid Traffic Jams If You Can”

  1. My soul Place is anywhere in nature by water rushing over rocks where minimal people are. I am not a people person, I thrive on alone time.

    I can sit for hours at a very beautiful conservation area with my eyes closed and just Zenning with the earth. I go there when it calls to me and I go there just because. Nature is helping my to heal my soul.

    I also love to sit quietly and read a book or write in my journal.

  2. Oof! That was an adventure! I am thrilled that you are doing this vacay (and a little jelly that you are in Florida even though I am in Australua lol)! Now, let’s talk about guilt for a second (and then we shall never mention it again). The only situation in which you are indispensable is to YOU. Everything else in this world can and will do just fine. So you drive and sing and talk in funny voices as often as you need to… because only you can’t truly do without you. x

    1. YES. YES. YES. Thanks so much, Jaye, for putting my guilt in its place. You are so right! Fuck guilt! The world has, does, and always will continue to turn without me.
      “…because only you can’t truly do without you.”

      Now let’s talk jelly…Australia…hellooooo bucket list. Loving the pictures and taking notes!
      Safe travels and amazing adventures for you, my friend.

  3. My go to place is (now start laughing… ) either I clean the house top to bottom. Or I go downstairs and try to sew! But that hasn’t been working out too well ! When you sew the lining the wrong way ( inside out) , sew the shoulder seams that show on the outside. So me thinks that house work doesn’t need my mind to figure out how to do it! But I am leaving for two weeks of sunshine and warm weather on Thursday so I can’t wait ! Pain free, walking the beach, swimming in the ocean, laying by the pool , reading and yes I hope a few glasses of wine and some rum or vodka drink! Pain this week is 12 out 10 oh btw yes I have been a bitch ! Edith enjoy your time away . Lyse glad you have a place that helps you escape. ❤️😘🤐

    1. I aways say clean house, clean mind! For me cleaning is something I do to keep my sanity, but I also get nasty about it. If I’ve cleaned the kitchen, I better not find a single crumb after one of the boys makes toast!! So glad you are going to get away and hoping your pain level comes down to manageable really quickly!! Have a safe trip and a great time.

  4. Good for you Edith! Enjoy it all while you can. You deserve any kind of “hurt less” from your pain days.

    I’m taking anti-inflammatories for a bad shoulder (putting up a ceiling light fixture). I thought of your pain and told myself: “Self, if Edith can carry on camping with her body pains, then suck it up cupcake!”

    Hang in there sunshine, you’re special!

  5. LOL this year I’m watching Dean …and reading your blogs which make me smile to no end so check mark for mental health! Enjoy your mental health days and remind yourself of what Jaye has said…great advice

    1. Oh, YES, Alice. Dean is good for mental health! And Jaye’s advice and everyone’s comments and suggestions are such a gift. Makes this blog all the more fun to write! I so look forward to reading the comments, because they give me aha moments and make me smile as well!

  6. My go to place is camping, especially by the water, reading, crosswords,colouring,letting the sun shine on my face..a maybe a glass of wine or night must sit by a
    fire for sure…

    1. yes sitting by a fire just seems to release so much , plus it keeps me warm therefore less pain…wish I could throw in the wine with it, would warm me up too lol

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