I’m sure you’ve all heard about the studies done. You know, the scientific research that proves people who use profanity tend to have a larger repertoire of words and a better command of vocabulary with which to express themselves.
Other published papers even go so far as to suggest that people who are in the habit of using taboo words may posses a higher I.Q.
In other words, inserting an appropriate cuss word into your conversation doesn’t make you fucking stupid. Quite the contrary, some of the most intelligent people in the world use profanity and use it well.
Despite the science, some claim (read preach) that having a propensity for dropping the F-Bomb like it’s hot is still considered crass or vulgar behavior.
Well, in case you haven’t figured it out. I fucking disagree.
Warning Profanity Dead Ahead
Properly used, “bad words” like shit, ass, bitch, damn, and my personal favorite, fuck, are super effective at clearly communicating how one may be feeling about a particular subject or event at any given moment.
Bonked your head on the doorjamb? FUCK!
Dropped a carton of eggs on your just-cleaned floor? FUCK!
Cut your finger with a blunt knife? FUCK!
Ruined your favorite black sweater by putting it in the dryer? FUCK!
Bounced your bumper off the side of the garage? FUCK!
Managed to accomplish all of the above in a single day? FUCK FUCKITY FUCKING FUCK!
Bam. One word. Expresses pain, anger, frustration, helplessness, despair. You name it. Fuck, or some form thereof, covers it.
Potty Mouth Pain Relief
So what the fuck does this have to do with chronic pain? Well, here’s the deal…
Other than being an outlet for our baser sides, science has also revealed that strategic cursing can act as a pain reliever.
Say what?
Yep! It’s true! Dropping the F-Bomb can make you feel better. Here’s how:
Instant pain relief – swearing can have a pain-relieving effect on our bodies by causing a surge of adrenaline, thereby speeding reaction times to pain situations.
Regular pain-relief – used as a coping mechanism, swearing can help reduce inner tension and stress, and we all know the effects of tension and stress on chronic pain!
Pain prevention – swearing is a non-violent, pain-preventing way to channel your anger without having to resort to a physical altercation. Instead of punching the wall, let fly a string of curses. You will feel better, and your knuckles will thank you.
Pain reduction – swearing can lead to increased blood circulation, elevated endorphins, and boosted serotonin levels. Feel a sense of calm and control after letting fly with the bad language? Yeah, me too.
A Time and A Place
There are other benefits to using profanity as well. These include:
Self-expression, creativity, and clarity of communication. As a writer, I’m always looking for unique ways to express mundane thoughts and actions. Also, studies show using profanity can increase the persuasiveness of an argument. Trying to make a point? Drop in a cuss word!
Social bonding. People swear. It’s as common these days as tattoos. And if done under the right circumstances (don’t swear in your job interviews, people), it can indicate you are open, fun, likeable, and even trustworthy.
Power and control. Swearing can give us a greater sense of control when we need a boost in less than ideal situations. Someone cut in front of you in the lunch line? Feel free to let them know their entitled behavior is unfuckingacceptable.
Or don’t.
To swear or not to swear? As far as I’m concerned, it’s a personal choice.
Me? I’m gonna go with a well placed F-Bomb every time. Not that I’m opposed to using the other bad words, except for the four letter C word, for some weird reason, I can’t bring myself to use it. I don’t object to other people using it. I don’t object to seeing it in print. I don’t object to the anatomy it refers to. I’m just not comfortable with it coming out of my potty mouth! And ain’t that the damnedest fucking thing?
So let’s hear it, sharing is caring tribe. Do you swear like a drunken sailor in a dark bar, or do you prefer to keep your language cuss-free?
Hope you’re all staying safe and practicing social distancing!
Until the next blog – peace out pain sufferers.
Current pain level 4/10.
Well now, I’ve learned something new! I shall start encouraging swearing!
Science! You can’t fuck with it.
Fuck FUCK fuck stupid Civid 19 & now we’re back to10/10. Migraine, nausea, frozen right hand, tingling ++ like a frikken vibrator lodged in my thumb & index finger, clenched teeth… I need a massage …😳🤬 There I feel better😥
Well, fuck! Stupid COVID-19 for sure! So many people losing access to the services they need just to maintain their chronic pain at manageable levels. I understand it’s for the safety of all, but I feel for you. I really fucking do!