Accountability Update – Week 4
Hey there, Sharing is Caring Lovelies!
Well this week was a total bust for me. Pain levels skyrocketed and the brain drain was significant.
Let’s review!
My goals for the week starting Thursday Oct 22, 2020 were:
Physical Activity.
Target: Two 20 – 30 minute cardio sessions. Partially accomplished. I did one 30-minute cardio session on the bike.
Target: One gentle stretching or yoga session. Not accomplished.
House Cleaning.
Target: Clean both upstairs bathrooms. Partially accomplished. Cleaned my bathroom. The guest bath used by everyone but me is still a biohazard!
Work towards the completion of the current work in progress.
Target: Write one to five pages this week. Accomplished. The words did not come easy but I completed a new scene.
Lose the COVID weight plus the twenty pounds of pre COVID weight gain.
Target: Lose one pound. Not accomplished. When my pain is high, I tend to eat for comfort. This week I gained one pound.
Personal Grooming.
Target: Shave my legs. Accomplished. This was damn near a two-razor job!
Lesson Learned:
Setting my intentions helps me to take small steps towards my bigger goals, but sometimes work/life balance tips in favor of work. When there’s no time and energy left over, something has to give, and if that something is one of my target goals, that’s okay. There’s always next week.
So I’m going to keep moving forward one target at a time. Here we go!
Mini targets for the week starting November 1:
Health and Wellness:
- Target: Two 20 – 30 minute cardio sessions.
- Target: One gentle stretching or yoga session.
- Target: Make an appointment to get a flu shot.
- Target: Reduce Diet Coke consumption to 3 to 4 cans for the week.
- Target: Make healthier food choices.
- Target: Lose one pound.
- Target: Meet daily NaNo (National Novel Writing Month) goal of writing one page per day.
- Target: Update NaNo goals in writing group daily.
- Target: Make final decision on editor and secure services.
- Target: Put deposit down on logo development.
Work/Life Balance:
- Target: Clean spare bathroom.
- Target: Prepare package I’ve been sitting on since March and figure out how to send without breaking the bank!
- Target: Remember to write down those things I want to add as targets, but keep forgetting.
That’s it for now, friends. Hope everyone is staying safe.
Until the next update—peace out pain sufferers.
Current pain level 9/10.
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