2020 – A Year of What the Fuck Just Happened?

Hello, My Lovelies!

Egad! It’s the end of December and coming up on the one year anniversary of starting my wellness journey and sharing my chronic pain story with all of you. I had great intentions when I created my new website and posted my first blog on January 1st, 2020.

Great intentions!

Yes. COVID happened. Life changed. I took on a new job. Life changed. Other shit happened. Life changed. Basically—life got in the way of me achieving my goals.

Insert sound of screeching breaks here!

Ah, excuse me? Nope. No can do, Mrs. Magoo. 

Life did not get in the way of you achieving your goals.

You Know The Saying...

No! Not That One. This One...

Truth Be Told...I Did Both.

I had intentions, I had goals, I had dreams. I also had no fucking clue what I was doing, why I was doing it, or in which direction I needed to go.

How I was going to get there? Not even on my radar. How much time and resources I had to dedicate to my non-existent plans? No clue.

I had a vague goal to start a Chronic Pain Blog. I did it. Huzzah!! Success. Did it achieve what I wanted it to? A heartfelt YES, and a resounding NO.

Do I want to continue?

Not gonna lie, the cursor blinked for multiple heartbeats at the end of that last question. 

Blogs are hard work – writing, drafting, formatting, picture finding, posting, engaging with readers, promoting, marketing, plus all the things I’m forgetting because—you know—Fibro induced brain fog.

So? Knowing what I know now, do I want to continue?

You bet your 2021 goal-planning ass, I do.

New Year. New Goals.

Here’s the deal though, in addition to connecting with all of you through this community, I have other things I want to accomplish in 2021. 

BIG things. LIFE changing things. The happy news is, I learned a lot over the last year, and I figured out how to fit the Fuck Me I Just Want to Feel Better Blog into my plans for the future.

All this to say, change is coming. I have a written plan. A vision board. Good intentions backed by a comprehensive daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly schedule of achievable targets.

I know where I want to go in 2021, what I need to do to get there, how I will do it, what time and resources will be required, and a way to measure my success. I also have a support team – including all of you!

I’m excited for 2021. It’s going to be a challenging year in many ways, but also one filled with reward and joy as well. Hope you stick with me on my journey, and who knows, you may find yourself laughing at my ridiculousness along the way!

What about you? How are you planning to reach your goals next year? Would love to lend my support and cheer you on as well!

Until the next blog – peace out pain sufferers.

Current pain level 9/10.

Sharing is Caring!

4 thoughts on “2020 – A Year of What the Fuck Just Happened?”

  1. Gosh, how did I miss so many blog posts? I was wondering what happened, just figured you were busy busy busy.

    Anyhow, I have noticed a sharp increase in pain, or as curable is telling me….change your mindset…. I AM EXPERIENCING DISCOMFORT…. tremendous discomfort. Meditation, doesn’t seem to be helping, the yoga keeps the worst of it at bay but I tell ya, if I had to rate it, i would say a 20/10.

    My specialist wants me to see a physio for exercises for my hips, so gotta put that on the schedule ASAP.

    As I was reading back in the blogs, I came upon a discussion about stress and pain. Even before I read it I felt my drastic increase in pain was due to stress. Just gotta find a way to reduce the stress.

    I have been off for three weeks due to COVID and will be for at least another two weeks. Last time the government shut us down I was off 3 months. I just want to be able to go back to work (I am sure everyone wants normalcy in their lives), I had also decided to go back to school part time (that’s on hold now)

    At least so far it’s been a mild winter, so when I am motivated I get out for my nature walks…. which reminds me winter boots are not a pain sufferers friend, those suckers are heavy.

  2. I don’t know how I missed so many posts either! I’m sure I’m signed up for updates but I missed most of the progress reports.

    Target: make sure I check big sis’ blog so I can stay up to date on her musings!

    I’ve missed reading and am so very excited to see that you are making great strides with the writing goals, getting an editor etc. Good for you. Can’t wait to buy the first book!!

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